


拉丁語短語列表(List of Latin phrases)以下是一些常用的拉丁文短語。拉丁語羅馬帝國的官方語言,現在歐洲的許多語言都含有拉丁語的借詞。許多拉丁語詞彙也是從古希臘文引入。在歐美的排版規則中,外來語要使用斜體表示,因此這些拉丁語在英語文章中也通常用斜體,但也存在不少例外,如 am (上午)等就不會使用斜體。

由於兩千多年來的改變,許多詞的含義和用法已經改變了。請讀者參考專業辭典。比如「ad hominem」直譯是「對着人」,英文常用的意思是「從個人偏好出發」或「呼籲個人的同情」,但是在哲學上的意思是「人身攻擊的謬誤」。[1]


拉丁短語 縮寫 英語直譯 中文翻譯
a fortiori from the stronger 更加、舉重以明輕
ad libitum ad-lib at one's pleasure 隨意即興
a posteriori from the latter 歸納地後驗、以經驗為根據(對照:a priori)
a priori from the former 演繹地先驗、以推論為根據(對照:a posteriori)
ad hoc for this 特設的、特定目的的(地)、即席的、臨時的、將就的、專案的
ad hominem to the man 訴諸人身、對人不對事、因人廢言、以人廢言或人身攻擊的謬誤
ad infinitum to infinity 無限地
ad nauseam to sea sickness 令人作嘔地
anno Domini A.D. in the year of our Lord 公元
ante meridiem a.m. before noon 上午
bona fide in good faith 真誠的、無欺的
camera obscura dark chamber 暗箱
carpe diem seize the day 及時行樂、抓住時機
ceteris paribus with all other factors the same 其他條件[情況]均同
circa ca. about; used especially in approximate dates 大約
cum laude with honor 優等、拉丁文學位榮譽
de facto from the fact 事實上的(對照:de jure)
de jure concerning the law, by right 規則上的(對照:de facto)
et alia et al. and others; and elsewhere 以及其他、等等
et cetera etc. and the rest; and so forth; and so on 以及其他、等等
ex libris from the books 從書中、參見藏書票
ex parte from part, from one side 片面的
ex post facto afterwards 事後的、有追溯效力的
ex situ the opposite of "in situ" 異位的
exempli gratia e.g. for example; such as 例如
ibidem ibid. in the aformentioned place 同前引證
id est i.e. that is
idem the same as previously given 同上
in camera in a chamber, in private, secretly 私下地、法官室
in loco parentis in place of a parent 代替父母
in medias res into the midst of things (情節)中間切入
in situ in place or position undisturbed 在原處
in vivo "in the living", (performed) in a living organism 在活體內
inter alia among other things 除其他因素之外
intra vires within the power 權力之內,有權行為(對照:ultra vires)
ipse dixit he himself said it 親口所述、沒有證實的斷言
ipso facto by the fact itself 根據事實
locum tenens place holder 暫時代班、具同等資歷、常用於醫生、神職、常簡化為locum
magna cum laude with great honor 極優等、拉丁文學位榮譽
magnum opus a great work 巨著,傑作
memento mori remember that you must die 死的象徵、記住你會死
mirabile dictu wonderful to say 說也奇怪
mirabile visu wonderful to see 光怪陸離的
modus operandi way of operating 操作方法、程序、習慣
ne plus ultra (go) no more beyond 極致、極點
noli me tangere do not touch me 禁止接觸
non sequitur it does not follow 不合邏輯的推論
nota bene note well 值得留意、請讀者留意
O tempora, o mores! Oh the times! Oh the customs! 這是什麼時代!什麼風尚!
opere citato op. cit. in the work cited 在列舉的著作中
per capita by heads 按人頭算、每人
per diem by the day 按日給予津貼、每日
per fas et nefas by right or wrong 無論好壞、無論正當與否
per se by or of itself 本身,本質上
persona grata pleasing person 受歡迎的人,接受外交官(對照:persona non grata)
persona non grata unwelcome person 不受歡迎的人,驅逐外交官(對照:persona grata)
post hoc after this 後此謬誤(後此故因此謬誤)
post meridiem p.m. after noon 下午
post mortem after death 死後、驗屍、事後
post partum after birth 產後
prima facie at first appearance 乍看的、表面的、自明的
pro forma for form 形式上的、提前的、備考的(商業文件)
quid pro quo something given in exchange for something 交換物、替代物、報復
quod erat demonstrandum Q.E.D. which had to be shown 即證
sic thus 原文如此
sine die without a day, indefinitely 無限期地、未定地
sine qua non without which not 沒有什麼(原因)不、要素、先決條件
status quo in state in which 現狀
sui generis of its own kind, unique, peculiar 別具一格的
summa cum laude with highest honor 最優等、拉丁文學位榮譽
tempus fugit time flies 光陰似箭
ultra vires beyond the power 權力之外,越權行為(對照:intra vires)
vice versa conversely; in reverse order from that stated 反之亦然、反者亦然
vide ante see before 見前
vide infra see below 見下
vide post see after 見後
vide supra see above 見上
videlicet viz. that is to say; namely 即、就是說、換言之


  1. ^ "ad hominem(從個人偏好出發)"[1]頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館),詞霸在線詞典,2017/10/15.



