用户:Dkzzl/君士坦丁堡之围 (674年-678年)
摩德纳希腊文122号手抄本(拉丁语:Codex Mutinensis graecus 122,简称Mutinensis gr. 122)[1][注 1],是一份写于15世纪的希腊文抄本,现藏于意大利摩德纳的埃斯特图书馆。“摩德纳希腊文122号”是现代分配的编号,抄本本身的标题是“历史摘录”(希腊语:Ἐπιτομὴ Ἱστοριῶν)[3],其主要内容取自12世纪拜占庭史家约翰·佐纳拉斯的《历史摘录》。
除了约翰·佐纳拉斯的作品内容(自罗马帝国建立到12世纪初阿莱克修斯一世皇帝去世的编年史[注 2])外,这份抄本还包含一个原创的序言和部分原创内容,将其覆盖的历史范围扩展到1453年君士坦丁堡陷落;此外还有几种简短的列表与描述,如宫廷官员、教会官员、皇陵的清单。这份抄本初次制作于约1425年,原本是约翰·佐纳拉斯作品的抄本,之后又于1453年之后的某个时候由另一位抄书人加上了新的内容。这位抄书员很可能是被君士坦丁堡的陷落震动,以扩展这份抄本的方法来保存对逝去的古老帝国的记忆。
[编辑]这份抄本创作于15世纪,共有295张纸,每张长25厘米,宽16厘米[4]。抄本的主要内容抄自12世纪拜占庭帝国官方史家约翰·佐纳拉斯的作品《历史摘录》(希腊语:Ἐπιτομὴ Ἱστοριῶν),一份自上帝创世开始,到1118年约翰二世·科穆宁继位为止的世界编年史,主要关注罗马帝国及拜占庭帝国历史[5]。但这份抄本略去了佐纳拉斯作品的开头部分,以第十卷中克里奥帕特拉的故事为开始,从第6张正面到第285张,都是抄录佐纳拉斯的作品[4][注 3]。
在抄录佐纳拉斯的史书之前,抄写者加入了一篇简短的序言,位于抄本的第2张正面-第5张正面,概述了自世界创始(遵循《圣经·创世记》的说法)到君士坦丁堡陷落的历史,题为“起初,神创造天地至君士坦丁·巴列奥略”[4]。佐纳拉斯的史书内容结束之后,抄本中出现了几张空白页,至289张开始则有几种列表[4],依次是拜占庭宫廷机构表(第289张反面)、自梅特罗法内斯(306-314年在位)至格里高利三世(1443-1451年在位)的君士坦丁堡普世牧首表(第290张反面-第291张正面)、按等级排列的普世牧首区的都主教区列表(第290张正面-第291张正面)、皇帝陵墓列表(第291张正面-第292张正面)、自君士坦丁大帝开始的皇帝列表(第292张反面-第293张反面) ,之后是一组皇帝群像。整个抄本以第295张对矗立于奥古斯塔广场的查士丁尼一世骑马像的描述告终[4]。
[编辑]传统观点假设这份抄本由两位抄写员创作[5][注 4],这一抄本一开始只是佐纳拉斯作品的简单抄写(约完成于1425年)[13]。并没有直接的证据能证明这一估计年份,但可以合理地这样假设,因为第一位抄写员创作的最后一幅肖像可能是曼努埃尔二世(1391-1425年在位)的老年肖像[14]。第一位抄写员抄录了佐纳拉斯的作品,但并没有抄完整,之后的第二位抄写员补上了作品的结尾,并把抄本内容扩展到第285张(第一次抄写止于第263张正面)[4]。第二位抄写员所用的纸的质地与之前的不同,并且其上还有两把剪刀形状的水印,可以将其添加的内容与之前的区分开来[5]。
或许君士坦丁堡的陷落是第二位抄写员保养、扩展这一作品的原因,他想借此保留对失落帝国的记忆[6]。他一定觉得完成皇帝的列表与记录很重要,除了绘制最后几位皇帝的肖像之外,他还修复并修改了前面的肖像[15]。因为抄本中的某些肖像,如克劳狄(41-54年在位) 的肖像没有上色,其余的肖像则用水彩上色,这表明抄本的早期版本中的肖像很可能并未上色,这一工作由第二位抄写者完成;他还重写了褪色的注释,并在一些肖像下面写了红色的文字[16]。It is clear that the later scribe rearranged parts of the codex. The early and final parts of the earlier scribe's work appear to have been in poor condition, apparently damaged by fire, before the second scribe took to restoring and adding to the codex. The later scribe thus kept the main body of the older codex, restoring some parts (such as the faded portraits), restored some of the lost text and added new text of his own.[17] One of the key pieces of evidence that the codex was not only restored but also rearranged is that some of the portraits presented in the later sections of the work, such as those of emperors Isaac II Angelos (r. 1185–1195, 1203–1204) and John IV Laskaris (r. 1258–1261), appear to have been cut out of earlier portions of the text and pasted in later parts.[16]
[编辑]这份抄本的早期收藏史并不清楚,其中一位收藏著名叫“阿尔塞尼乌斯(Arsenius)”,可能就是曾于1506-1509年任莫奈姆瓦夏主教的阿尔森尼乌斯·阿波斯托利乌斯,威尼斯学者乔治·瓦拉(1447-1500年在世)也曾拥有此抄本[18],此后该本由具有文艺复兴精神的卡尔皮领主阿尔贝托三世·皮奥(1475-1531年在世)收藏[4]。1573年,摩德纳的埃斯特图书馆购得此本,此后该本就一直在这里保存[4][12]。成为其收藏的250多份希腊-拜占庭手抄本之一[19]。如今这份抄本的扉页已经遗失,在其第一页上有瓦拉与皮奥的签名,并附有拉丁语标识“iste liber est mei(这本书是我的)”[18]。
1930年兰布罗斯出版《拜占庭皇帝肖像集》(Λεύκωμα Βυζαντινῶν Αὐτοκρατόρων)一书,此书包含所有拜占庭皇帝的肖像,基本来源于这一手抄本,此后,这一手抄本逐渐在拜占庭研究者中闻名[21]。1976年约安尼斯·斯帕萨拉基斯(Ioannis Spatharakis)出版的《拜占庭装饰手抄本中的肖像》(The Portrait in Byzantine Illuminated Manuscripts)第一次深入研究了这些肖像,同时也研究了其他拜占庭手抄本肖像[13]。大多数现代研究主要关注这一抄本的肖像,很少对其文字内容感兴趣[22]。对拜占庭皇帝肖像的关注也远多于对早期罗马皇帝肖像的关注[8],因为后者似乎完全是凭想象绘制的[8][23]。
[编辑]The portraits of the Palaiologan dynasty (the final imperial dynasty, ruling from the 13th to 15th centuries) emperors in the codex accord well with portraits in other sources. In Mutinensis gr. 122, Michael VIII Palaiologos (r. 1259–1282) is depicted as having a long beard, possibly worn in a net, which is also depicted in other sources for the emperor's appearance, such as a chrysobull in the Vatican Archives and another Medieval manuscript, Monac gr. 442. Michael VIII's son and successor, Andronikos II Palaiologos (r. 1282–1328) is depicted with a wide and square-shaped beard in the codex, a depiction also collaborated by how he is portrayed in chrysobulls and other manuscripts. John VI Kantakouzenos (r. 1347–1354) is also depicted in several portraits in another manuscript, Par. gr. 1242, wherein all portraits show him with a long beard split into two, as in the Mutinensis gr. 122. The portrait of John V Palaiologos (r. 1341–1376, 1379–1390, 1390–1391), showing him as possessing a beard ending in two points, is similar to how the emperor is depicted in the chrysobull of his confession of the Roman Catholic faith (from 1369) and to how he once was depicted on a mosaic in the Hagia Sophia. There are no significant differences between how John VII Palaiologos (r. 1390) is depicted in the Mutinensis gr. 122 and how he is depicted in the only other known portrait of the emperor, in the manuscript Par. gr. 1783. The portraits of Manuel II Palaiologos (r. 1391–1425) and John VIII Palaiologos (r. 1425–1448) are very similar to portraits in other sources, Manuel always being depicted with a white beard ending in two points and with a long, straight nose and John always possessing a similar beard and an obliquely set nose. The portrait of the final emperor, Constantine XI, is similar to how he is depicted on contemporary seals. The lack of known portraits outside the codex of emperors Michael IX Palaiologos and Andronikos IV Palaiologos and Mutinensis gr. 122's depiction of Andronikos III Palaiologos (r. 1328–1341) being damaged means that their portraits can't be compared to depictions in other sources.[7]
Comparative material is somewhat lacking for the Angelid (1185–1204) and Laskarid (1204–1261) dynasties. The Laskarid emperors (with the exception of John IV, who was a child) are all depicted as having peculiar beards with curled ends. On coins, their beards end in two short points, possibly an attempt at depicting something similar, and in another manuscript, Monac. gr. 442, Theodore II Laskaris (r. 1254–1258) is depicted with the same type of beard.[28] Both Isaac II Angelos (r. 1185–1195, 1203–1204) and Alexios III Angelos (r. 1195–1203) are portrayed on their coins as having pointed beards, reflected in the codex's depiction of Isaac II, but the codex depicts Alexios III with a beard cut short. Alexios V Doukas (r. 1204), nicknamed Murtzuphlos in his lifetime due to his bushy eyebrows, is depicted with this signature feature in the Mutinensis gr. 122.[29]
As for the Palaiologoi emperors, there are several independently created portraits of the emperors of the Komnenian dynasty (1081–1185). The portraits of these emperors in Mutinensis gr. 122 generally accord well with other known portraits. Alexios I Komnenos (r. 1081–1118) is depicted with a square-shaped beard in the codex, a feature shared with depictions of the emperor in another manuscript, Vat. gr. 666. Alexios I's successor John II Komnenos is represented in the codex with a rounded beard, a feature also reflected in other sources such as a mosaic in the Hagia Sophia and a depiction in the manuscript Vat. Urb. gr. 2. The third Komnenos emperor, Manuel I Komnenos (r. 1143–1180), is depicted with a short beard in his coinage and in the manuscript Vat. gr. 1176, a feature shared by his portrait in the Mutinensis gr. 122. Manuel's heir, the child emperor Alexios II Komnenos (r. 1180–1183) is depicted without a beard and Alexios II's successor, his uncle and the adventurer Andronikos I Komnenos (r. 1183–1185) is depicted as an old man with a long, white beard ending in two points, similar to how he is depicted in his own coins. The shape of the Byzantine imperial crown was changed in the 12th century, gaining a semi-spherical top, which is reflected in portraits of emperors in the codex from John II onwards.[29]
[编辑]因为抄本制作于15世纪,后期诸王朝的皇帝肖像显然会比早期诸帝的肖像更可能可靠[25]。自7世纪之后,该抄本中的肖像与其他来源的皇帝肖像高估相似,希拉克略(610-641年在位)之后,只有少数几幅肖像与其他来源的皇帝形象间存在较大差异[23]。而希拉克略之前的皇帝肖像很大程度上,甚至可以说纯凭想象绘制[23]。例如,君士坦丁大帝时代留下来的皇帝形象没有胡须,但抄本中的君士坦丁大帝却留着小胡子[28]。 Different garments and crowns are applied to different early emperors, but the designs are all imaginary and do not match known ancient Roman imperial regalia.[8]
Two prominent examples of post-Heraclius portraits that appear to be erroneous are those of Theophilos (r. 829–842) and Basil II (r. 976–1025).[23][13] The portrait of Basil II is entirely unlike portraits of the emperor in other sources, and the portrait of Theophilos is equally dissimilar from his portraits on contemporary coins, though in Theophilos' case the coins were highly schematized and produced during the Iconoclastic period and probably carry little relevance in terms of being accurate likenesses. The portrait of Heraclius in the codex is similar to portraits of the emperor on a rare set of early coins, but dissimilar from portraits from the last 30 or so years of his reign. The portraits of emperors Constantine VII (r. 913–959), Romanos I (r. 920–944), Romanos II (r. 959–963) and Nikephoros II do not match the highly standardized portraits on the coinage of these emperors, though perhaps other sources were used for these portraits.[13] The portrait of Romanos IV Diogenes (r. 1068–1071) is similar to the portraits on the coinage of Romanos III Argyros (r. 1028–1034).[30] There are also examples of portraits of earlier emperors that match other depictions very well. For instance, the portrait of Michael V Kalaphates (r. 1041–1042) closely matches the depiction on his coins, with the same head/face shape, beard and mustache.[31]
[编辑]2001年,彼特·古兰(Petre Guran)认为约翰六世·坎塔库泽努斯的肖像值得注意。因为约翰六世虽确实于1347-1354年称帝掌权,但他的统治标志着巴列奥略王朝的短暂中断(最后一组肖像是在约翰六世失位、巴列奥略王朝皇帝恢复统治几代后创作的),而且他后来被废黜,退居修道院,以修士而非皇帝的身份结束了自己的政治生涯[32],尽管如此,他的肖像仍带有与其他皇帝相同的光圈。
Barbara Hill, Liz James and Dion Smythe erroneously claimed in 1994 that the codex only includes portraits of male rulers, omitting portraits of the ruling empresses Irene, Theodora and Zoë. Hill, James and Dion believed that this exclusion of the ruling empresses may perhaps be attributable to the scribes behind the codex viewing 'imperial' as exclusively pertaining to men.[33] Contrary to the claim in their study, Mutinensis gr. 122 does contain portraits of Zoë and Theodora (though Irene does not have a portrait).[34] Excluding Zoë and Theodora would have been strange, since numerous other Byzantine writings and artworks show them as being on the same level as the male emperors. Notably, the Madrid Skylitzes depicts Zoë's marriages to emperors (her co-rulers) Romanos III, Michael IV and Constantine IX, in each case appearing to note Zoë as being ahead of her consorts in power and prestige.[35] A notable detail of the portraits of the empresses in Mutinensis gr. 122 is that they are depicted with radiate crowns, different in design from those of the male rulers. Though the crowns of Byzantine empresses are not described in any known surviving literary source, other surviving Byzantine depictions of empresses also depict crowns of female rulers and consorts in this way, confirming the designs to be accurate.[36]
[编辑]- ^ 这份抄本有时也被称为“codex Mutinensis A. S. 5.5”,之前曾被称为“codex Mutinensis III D, S 14”[2]。
- ^ 佐纳拉斯的作品原本是自上帝创造天地开始的世界编年史,这份抄本省略了作品的开头,直接从克里奥帕特拉统治时期的记载开始[4]。
- ^ 这里的“张”指的是两页纸,从左到右,一张纸的右面为正面,左面为反面。
- ^ An alternative interpretation of the creation of the codex, challenging the traditional view of two scribes, was forwarded by Olga Gratziou in 1997. She claimed that the codex was not illustrated at all originally, and that all the portraits contained within it, including both the portraits in the margins of the text and the portraits at the end, regardless of the different methods used to add them to the manuscript, were done by the same hand. Gratziou theorized that given that all portraits must then have postdated the Fall of Constantinople, and might have been created gradually by the first "post-Byzantine" owner of the book, who repaired the work and added brief historical records to update it to reflect events since original manuscript's end. Gratziou further claimed that later owners of the book then continued in a similar manner, adding notes at different points, retouching portraits and repairing damages, with the manuscript ending up being used as something akin to a "historical notebook".[12]
[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 Treadgold 1979,第1248页.
- ^ Burke 2014,第18页.
- ^ Ἐπιτομὴ Ἱστοριῶν.
- ^ 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 Tsamakda 2017,第133页.
- ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Spatharakis 1976,第172页.
- ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Tsamakda 2017,第134页.
- ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Spatharakis 1976,第176–179页.
- ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Gratziou 1997,第46页.
- ^ Gratziou 1997,第48页.
- ^ 10.0 10.1 Mattiello & Rossi 2019.
- ^ Gratziou 1997,第45页.
- ^ 12.0 12.1 Gratziou 1997,第62页.
- ^ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 Breckenridge 1978,第362页.
- ^ 14.0 14.1 Spatharakis 1976,第175–176页.
- ^ 15.0 15.1 Spatharakis 1976,第173页.
- ^ 16.0 16.1 Spatharakis 1976,第174页.
- ^ Spatharakis 1976,第175页.
- ^ 18.0 18.1 Allen 1890,第18页.
- ^ Allen 1890,第4页.
- ^ Gratziou 1997,第39页.
- ^ Gratziou 1997,第40页.
- ^ Gratziou 1997,第41页.
- ^ 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 Spatharakis 1976,第182页.
- ^ Burke 2014,第16页.
- ^ 25.0 25.1 25.2 Spatharakis 1976,第176页.
- ^ Spatharakis 1976,第183页.
- ^ Anderson 2021,第141页.
- ^ 28.0 28.1 28.2 Spatharakis 1976,第179页.
- ^ 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4 Spatharakis 1976,第180页.
- ^ 30.0 30.1 Wroth 1908,第xcvii页.
- ^ 31.0 31.1 Wroth 1908,第liv, xcvi页.
- ^ Guran 2001,第95–96页.
- ^ Hill, James & Smythe 1994,第215页.
- ^ Wroth 1908,第liv页.
- ^ Hill, James & Smythe 1994,第218–222页.
- ^ Bárányné Oberschall 1937,第84–85页.
[编辑]- Allen, Thomas William. Notes on Greek Manuscripts in Italian Libraries. London: Richard Clay and Sons. 1890.
- Anderson, Benjamin. The Imperial Arts. Schwartz, Ellen C. (编). The Oxford Handbook of Byzantine Art and Architecture. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2021. ISBN 978-0190277352.
- Bárányné Oberschall, Magda. The Crown of the Emperor Constantine Monomachos. Archaeologia Hungarica. Budapest: Magyar Történeti Múzeum. 1937. ISSN 0066-5916. OCLC 804926463.
- Breckenridge, James D. Review of The Portrait in Byzantine Iluminated Manuscripts by Johannes Spatharakis. The Art Bulletin. 1978, 60 (2): 360–363. JSTOR 3049794. doi:10.2307/3049794.
- Burke, John. Inventing and re-inventing Byzantium: Nikephoros Phokas, Byzantine Studies in Greece, and 'New Rome'. Nilsson, Ingela; Stephenson, Paul (编). Wanted: Byzantium: The Desire for a Lost Empire. Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet. 2014. ISBN 978-9155489151.
- Gratziou, Olga. Evidence on the Users of the Zonaras Codex at Modena. Δελτίον της Χριστιανικής Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας. 1997, 19 (5–6): 39–62. doi:10.12681/dchae.1162 (希腊语).
- Guran, Petre. L'empereur hagiographe. Culte des saints et monarchie byzantine et post-byzantine. Colegiul Noua Europã. 2001. ISBN 978-9739862462 (French).
- Hill, Barbara; James, Liz; Smythe, Dion. Zoe: the rhythm of imperial renewal. Magdalino, Paul (编). New Constantines: The Rhythm of Imperial Renewal in Byzantium, 4th-13th Centuries : Papers from the Twenty-sixth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, St Andrews, March 1992. Variorum. 1994.
- Mattiello, Andrea; Rossi, Maria Alessia. Late Byzantium Reconsidered: The Arts of the Palaiologan Era in the Mediterranean. Routledge. 2019. ISBN 9780815372868. doi:10.4324/9781351244831. hdl:20.500.11820/5c81d436-1cb9-4f23-ab59-1db4eda868ec.
- Spatharakis, Ioannis. The Portrait in Byzantine Illuminated Manuscripts. Leiden: E. J. Brill. 1976. ISBN 9789004047839.
- Treadgold, Warren T. The Revival of Byzantine Learning and the Revival of the Byzantine State. The American Historical Review. 1979, 84 (5): 1245–1266. JSTOR 1861467. doi:10.2307/1861467.
- Tsamakda, Vasiliki. Historical Writings. Tsamakda, Vasiliki (编). A Companion to Byzantine Illustrated Manuscripts. Leiden: Brill. 2017: 114–135. ISBN 978-9004346239. doi:10.1163/9789004346239_006.
- Wroth, Warwick. Catalogue of the Imperial Byzantine Coins in the British Museum I. London: British Museum Press. 1908. OCLC 2831606.
[编辑]- Ἐπιτομὴ Ἱστοριῶν. Ruhr Universität Bochum. [10 April 2020].