




In Earth's atmosphere, the international cloud classification system is based on the fact that these aerosols in their most basic forms can show free-convective upward growth into heaps of cumulus, appear in non-convective layered sheets such as stratus, or take the form of thin fibrous wisps of cirrus. Prefixes are used whenever necessary to express variations or complexities in these basic forms or to specify middle or high altitude ranges. These include strato- for low cumulus layers with limited convection that show some stratus-like characteristics, cumulo- for complex highly-convective storm clouds, nimbo- for thick layers of some complexity that can produce moderate to heavy precipitation, alto- for middle, and cirro- for high clouds. Cloud types prefixed by altitude range may be of simple or moderately complex structure. Whether or not a cloud is low, middle, or high level depends on the altitude range of its base above Earth's surface. Layers or heaps with significant vertical extent can form in the low or middle altitude ranges depending on the moisture content of the air.

Clouds in the troposphere, the atmospheric layer closest to Earth's surface, have Latin names due to the universal adaptation of Luke Howard's nomenclature. It was introduced in December 1802 and became the basis of the modern classification system. Synoptic surface weather observations use code numbers to record and report any type of tropospheric cloud visible at scheduled observation times based on its height and physical appearance.

While a majority of clouds form in Earth's troposphere, there are occasions when they can be observed in the stratosphere and mesosphere. These three main atmospheric layers are collectively known as the homosphere. Above this lies the thermosphere and exosphere, which together make up the heterosphere that marks the transition to outer space. Clouds have been observed on other planets and moons within the Solar System, but, due to their different temperature characteristics, they are composed of other substances such as methane, ammonia, and sulfuric acid.



雲在天氣氣候中的角色是預測全球暖化時的主要不確定性之一。[3]和雲有關的過程的脆弱的平衡,以及從毫米到行星的大範圍的尺度跨度會造成這種不確定性。因此,全球氣候模式很難準確描述大尺度天氣英語synoptic meteorology和雲之間的相互作用。前面章節列出的雲的複雜性和多樣性增加了模擬的難度。一方面,白雲頂部對來自太陽的短波輻射會有反射,從而使得地表冷卻。另一方面,大多數到達地面的陽光被地面吸收,加熱了地表,地表又會向上發射長波的紅外的輻射。但是雲中的水對長波輻射是有效的吸收劑。雲又接著會向上和向下發射紅外輻射,向下的輻射會導致地表的淨加熱效果。這個過程和溫室氣體和水汽的溫室效應類似。










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