

出生約於 1221年
教宗國 拉齊奧 維泰博省 巴尼奧雷焦
逝世7月15日 1274年(52—53歲)
阿爾勒王國 里昂內省 里昂
封聖1482 1482年4月14日
7月第二個主日 (1482–1568)
7月14日 (1568–1969)
象徵英語Saint symbolism掛在灌木叢上的樞機主教帽;聖體盤英語Ciborium (container)聖體聖事;穿著方濟各會會衣的樞機,通常在讀書或寫字

聖文德,天主教譯為聖文都辣,或譯波拿文德拉波那文都O.F.M.義大利語San Bonaventura,1221年—1274年)[1],是中世紀義大利神學家哲學家。作為第七任方濟各會總會長英語List of Ministers General of the Order of Friars Minor,曾任阿爾巴諾教區領銜主教

文德於1482年4月14被教宗西斯都四世尊奉為聖人,並於1588年被教宗西斯都五世列為教會聖師之一。文德因其完備的品德,被尊稱為「色勒芬天使博士」(拉丁語Doctor Seraphicus)和「方濟各會第二會祖」。



聖文德,由 Claude François 所作






  • 在小事上對神忠心,便是一件偉大、英勇的德行。修德真正的意義在於經常控制自己的意志,將一切思想,言語和行爲奉獻給神,讓神的恩典貫注我們全部生命。
  • 「神恩」與「體制」、「信仰」與「知識」絕非彼此對立,而是相輔相成。
  • 神與人是不同的,人無法用理性認識神,只能用類推的方式不明確的認知。[2]








Legenda maior, 1477
  • Bonaventure Texts in Translation Series, St. Bonaventure, NY, Franciscan Institute Publications (15 volumes):
    • On the Reduction of the Arts to Theology, Translation, Introduction and Commentary by Zachary Hayes, OFM, vol. 1, 1996.
    • Journey of the Soul into God - Itinerarium Mentis in Deum translation and Introduction by Zachary Hayes, OFM, and Philotheus Boehner, OFM, vol. 2, 2002. ISBN 978-1-57659-044-7
    • Disputed Questions on the Mystery of the Trinity, translated by Zachary Hayes, vol. 3, 1979. ISBN 978-1-57659-045-4.
    • Disputed Questions on the Knowledge of Christ, translated by Zachary Hayes, vol. 4, 1992.
    • Writings Concerning the Franciscan Order, translated by Dominic V. Monti, OFM, vol. 5, 1994.
    • Collations on the Ten Commandments, translated by Paul Spaeth, vol. 6, 1995.
    • Commentary on Ecclesiastes, translated by Campion Murray and Robert J. Karris, vol. 7, 2005.
    • Commentary on the Gospel of Luke, translated by Robert J. Karris, (3 vols), vol. 8, 2001-4.
    • Breviloquium, translated by Dominic V. Monti, OFM, vol. 9, 2005.
    • Writings on the Spiritual Life, [includes translations of The Threefold Way, On the Perfection of Life, On Governing the Soul, and The Soliloquium: A Dialogue on the Four Spiritual Exercises, the prologue to the Commentary on Book II of the Sentences of Peter Lombard and three short sermons: On the Way of Life, On Holy Saturday, and On the Monday after Palm Sunday, vol. 10, 2006.
    • Commentary on the Gospel of John, translated by Robert J. Karris, vol. 11, 2007.
    • The Sunday sermons of St. Bonaventure, edited and translated by Timothy J. Johnson, vol. 12, 2008.
    • Disputed questions on evangelical perfection, edited and translated by Thomas Reist and Robert J. Karris, vol. 13, 2008.
    • Collations on the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, introduced and translated by Zachary Hayes, vol. 14, 2008.
    • Defense of the mendicants, translated by Jose de Vinck and Robert J. Karris, vol. 15, 2010.
  • The Journey of the Mind into God (Itinerarium mentis in Deum), Indianapolis: Hackett, 1993. ISBN 978-0-8722-0200-9
  • On the Reduction of the Arts to Theology (De Reductione Artium ad Theologiam), translated by Zachary Hayes, (Saint Bonaventure, NY: Franciscan Institute, 1996. ISBN 978-1-57659-043-0
  • Bringing forth Christ: five feasts of the child Jesus, translated by Eric Doyle, Oxford: SLG Press, 1984.
  • The soul's journey into God; The tree of life; The life of St. Francis. Ewert Cousins, translator The Classics of Western Spirituality. Mahwah, New Jersey: Paulist Press. 1978. ISBN 0-8091-2121-2. 
  • The Mystical Vine: a Treatise on the Passion of Our Lord, translated by a friar of SSF, London: Mowbray, 1955.
  • Life of St Francis of Assisi, TAN Books, 2010. ISBN 978-0-89555-151-1


  1. ^ M. Walsh (編). Butler's Lives of the Saints. New York: HarperCollins. 1991: 216. 
  2. ^ 基督教兩千年史,淘理博士主編,海天書樓,291-293
  3. ^ 簡明大英百科全書中文版3,台灣中華書局,265。


  • Hammond, Jay M. Bonaventure, St.. Marthaler, Bernard L. (編). New Catholic Encyclopedia. Volume 2 2nd. Detroit: Thomson/Gale in association with the Catholic University of America. 2003: 479–493. ISBN 0-7876-4006-9. 
  • Hammond, Jay M.; Hellmann, J.A. Wayne; Goff, Jared (編). A Companion to Bonaventure. Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition. Boston: Brill. 2013. ISBN 978-90-04-26072-6. 
  • LaNave, Gregory F. "Bonaventure", in Paul L. Gavrilyuk and Sarah Coakley (eds.), The Spiritual Senses: Perceiving God in Western Christianity, Cambridge: Cambridge, University of Cambridge, 2011, 159–173.
  • Quinn, John Francis. The Historical Constitution of St. Bonaventure's Philosophy, Toronto: Pontificial Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1973.
  • Tavard, George Henry. From Bonaventure to the Reformers, Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2005 (Marquette Studies in Theology). ISBN 0-87462-695-1 ISBN 9780874626957.
  • Tim Noone and R. E. Houser, "Saint Bonaventure." Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/bonaventure/頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館).
  • D. J. Dales, 'Divine Remaking: St Bonaventure & the Gospel of Luke, James Clarke & Co., Cambridge, 2017.
  • D. J. Dales, 'Way back to God: the Spiritual Theology of St Bonaventure, James Clarke & Co., Cambridge, 2019.

