
Intel 8048

Intel 8048 微控制器
The 8749 with UV EPROM
USSR KM1816BE48(与Intel 8748相容)
Intel 8049 微控制器,使用在 HP3478A Multimeter。该芯片制造于1990年的第48周。

Intel 8048是一种8位元的单芯片微控制器,属于MCS-48单芯片的一种,由英特尔公司于1976年制造。最初使用NMOS技术制作,在20世纪80年代初改用CMOS技术。


Device  Internal          Memory        Remarks
8020    1K × 8 ROM         64 × 8 RAM   Subset of 8048, 20 pins, Only 13 I/O Lines
8021    1K × 8 ROM         64 × 8 RAM   Subset of 8048, 28 pins, 21 I/O Lines
8022    2K × 8 ROM         64 × 8 RAM   Subset of 8048, A/D-converter
8035    none               64 × 8 RAM
8039    none              128 × 8 RAM
8040    none              256 × 8 RAM
8048    1K × 8 ROM         64 × 8 RAM
8049    2K × 8 ROM        128 × 8 RAM
8050    4K × 8 ROM        256 × 8 RAM
8748    1K × 8 EPROM       64 × 8 RAM
8749    2K × 8 EPROM      128 × 8 RAM
8648    1K × 8 OTP EPROM   64 × 8 RAM   Factory OTP EPROM
Device  Internal          Memory        Remarks
8041    1K × 8 ROM         64 × 8 RAM   Universal Peripheral Interface (UPI)
8041AH  1K × 8 ROM        128 × 8 RAM   UPI
8741A   1K × 8 EPROM       64 × 8 RAM   UPI, EPROM version of 8041
8741AH  1K × 8 OTP EPROM  128 × 8 RAM   UPI, OTP EPROM version of 8041AH
8042AH  2K × 8 ROM        256 × 8 RAM   UPI
8742    2K × 8 EPROM      128 × 8 RAM   UPI, EPROM version
8742AH  2K × 8 OTP EPROM  256 × 8 RAM   UPI, OTP EPROM version of 8042AH


  • MCS-48 Single Component Microcomputer, Applications Seminar Notebook, 1978, Intel Corporation.
  • MCS-48 MICROCOMPUTER USER'S MANUAL, 1978, Intel Corporation.
  • Lionel Smith, Cecil Moore: Serial I/O and Math Utilities for the 8049 Microcomputer, Application Note AP-49, January 1979, Intel Corporation.
  • A High-Speed Emulator for Intel MCS-48 Microcomputers, Application Note AP-55A, August 1979, Intel Corporation.
  • Phil Dahm, Stuart Rosenberg: Intel MCS-48 and UPI-41A Microcontrollers, Reliability Report RR-25, December 1979, Intel Corporation.
  • Microcontroller Handbook, Intel 1984, Order number 210918-002.
  • 8-Bit Embedded Controllers, Intel 1991, Order number 270645-003.



