


美国拥有遍布全球的军事设施网络,其军事基地遍布各大洲数十个国家,为世界之最。截至 2014 年 9 月 30 日,共有 38 个公开名字的基地驻有现役部队、美国国民警卫队、预备役或文职人员。就人数来说,其最大的基地是位于德国的拉姆施泰因空军基地,有近 9,200名各类军事人员。 [1]由于此类信息的敏感性和机密性,因此并没有一份包含所有基地、站点和设施的确切数量或位置的完整列表。目前,美国在海外拥有的、正在使用或可能存在美国军事人员并由其盟友运作的设施总数或已超过1,000个。[2]


第二次世界大战结束以来,美国各类军事基地已经历了数轮关闭和合并,最近一次的关闭过程被称为基地重新调整和关闭。在2020年代初期,反种族主义运动开始呼吁变更各种军事基地命名,以删除在美国内战期间与联邦作战的邦联人物的名字。[4]命名委员会根据 2021 财年国防授权法案成立,[5]并于 2022 年 12 月开启更名计划。[6]



大约有2,500美军驻扎在伊拉克的多个基地内[12] [13] ,这些基地被用来训练当地武装,同时也为了打击叙利亚的相关目标。[14][15]



为了训练库尔德反对派武装,美军在叙利亚境内部署大约1,500-2,000名美军士兵,其分布在 12 个不同的设施中。[21][22]这些士兵于2019年10月从叙利亚撤至伊拉克西部。[23]据《纽约时报》报道称,五角大楼正计划“将 150 名特种作战部队留在阿特坦夫基地”,美国正在该基地训练叙利亚反对派武装。[24]此外,约200名美国士兵被部署在叙利亚东部油田附近,用以阻止伊斯兰国、叙利亚政府和俄罗斯军队在该地区的活动。[25]



















  • 沙特海事基础设施保护部队[35]




  1. ^ Department of Defense / Base Structure Report / FY 2015 Baseline (PDF). [10 October 2016]. 
  2. ^ Chalmers Johnson. America's Empire of Bases. TomDispatch.com. Jan 2004. 
  3. ^ Vine 2017.
  4. ^ Why Does the U.S. Military Celebrate White Supremacy?
  5. ^ The Naming Commission
  6. ^ Defense Secretary Austin orders renaming of military bases with Confederate ties
  7. ^ The US Military Presence in Australia: Asymmetrical Alliance Cooperation and its Alternatives | The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus. apjjf.org. 
  8. ^ America's military presence is growing in Australia. That might not be a good thing.. NewsComAu. 1 October 2016. 
  9. ^ Title | 2016 Defence White Paper | Department of Defence. 
  10. ^ United States submarine arrives at HMAS Stirling, Western Australia. 24 April 2022. 
  11. ^ Kopp, Carlo. Basing Infrastructure Considerations in the Defence of Australia's Indian Ocean Approaches. Air Power Australia Analyses. 25 February 2012, IX (1): 1. 
  12. ^ U.S. Completes Troop-Level Drawdown in Afghanistan, Iraq. 15 January 2021 [15 July 2021]. 
  13. ^ US to Set Up 5 Military Bases in Iraqi Kurdistan Region. farsnews. 18 July 2016. 
  14. ^ بالانفوغراف.. تعرف على الجنود والقواعد الامريكية في العراق. alsumaria. 8 February 2018 (阿拉伯语). 
  15. ^ Trump' Syria Troop Withdrawal Complicated Plans for al-Baghdadi Raid - The New York Times. The New York Times. 27 October 2019 [28 October 2019]. 
  16. ^ Remarks by President Trump to Troops at Al Asad Air Base, Al Anbar Province, Iraq. whitehouse.gov. 26 December 2018 –通过National Archives. 
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 17.2 Müller-Jung, Friederike. US drone war expands to Niger. Deutsche Welle. 23 November 2016. An additional US base in Arlit, about 250 kilometers (155 miles) north of Agadez, has been operating for about a year, but little is known about it, Moore said, except that special forces are presumably stationed there. 
  18. ^ Taub, Ben. Ben Taub on Twitter: "Secret military base near Arlit, Niger, revealed as a white dot in a sea of black, because Western soldiers didn't turn off their Fitbits. Twitter via the Internet Archive. 28 January 2018 [15 December 2018]. (原始内容存档于28 January 2018). 
  19. ^ Lewis, David; Bavier, Joe. Boulton, Ralph , 编. U.S. deaths in Niger highlight Africa military mission creep. Reuters. In missions run out of a base in the northern Niger town of Arlit and others like the one that led to the ambush of U.S. troops, sources say they have helped local troops and intelligence agents make several arrests. 
  20. ^ Raghavan, Sudarsan; Whitlock, Craig. A city in Niger worries a new U.S. drone base will make it a 'magnet' for terrorists. The Washington Post. 24 November 2017. 
  21. ^ Russia and U.S. engage in military base race in Syria. defensenews.com. 15 January 2018 [2 February 2018]. 
  22. ^ Anadolu Agency's map of U.S. bases in Syria infuriates The Pentagon. orient-news.net. 20 July 2017 [2 February 2018]. 
  23. ^ US troops leaving Syria will go to Iraq, says Pentagon chief. BBC News. 20 October 2019. 
  24. ^ Assad Forces Surge Forward in Syria as U.S. Pulls Back. The New York Times. 14 October 2019. 
  25. ^ Trump Said to Favor Leaving a Few Hundred Troops in Eastern Syria. The New York Times. 20 October 2019. 
  26. ^ Update-al-Jaafari: We demand immediate and unconditional withdrawal of foreign forces from Syrian territory. Syrian Arab News Agency. 22 December 2017. 
  27. ^ سورية: مقتل مدني في مدينة أريحا في قصف لقوات النظامغازي عنتابمحمد كركص
  28. ^ MCI Camp Mujuk, Republic of Korea. www.mcipac.marines.mil. 
  29. ^ Naval Support Facility Redzikowo. cnic.navy.mil. [20 April 2022]. 
  30. ^ Naval Support Facility Deveselu. cnic.navy.mil. [20 April 2022]. 
  31. ^ Singapore Area Coordinator. cnic.navy.mil. [30 December 2022]. 
  32. ^ Camp Simba conducts inaugural flag ceremony. usafe.af.mil. 28 October 2018 [19 May 2022]. 
  33. ^ Laming, Tim. UK Airports and Airfields. Ramsbury UK: Airlife Publishing (Crowood Press). 2000: 106–107. ISBN 1-85310-978-9. 
  34. ^ Activities Europe: Schinnen, The Netherlands. www.atlanticarea.uscg.mil. [17 January 2022]. 
  35. ^ Coast Guard Maritime Infrastructure Protection force - Training Advisory Group (MIPF-TAG) Dammam, Saudi Arabia | USCG Veteran Locator. coastguard.togetherweserved.com. [17 January 2022]. 
  36. ^ Marine Inspection Detachment (MIDET). www.pacificarea.uscg.mil. [17 January 2022].