


英國電影(英語:British moviesCinema of the United Kingdom)是指在英國製作或由英國人製作的電影。英國電影歷史相當悠久,曾經出現許多偉大的電影導演,對於其他國家的電影也有巨大的影響。



John Grierson提出了紀錄片的概念,並訓練了幾個徒弟,後來自己去了加拿大籌建NFB,幾個徒弟各開工作室。


Bond系列6年空期後,出品新版GoldenEye。老攝影棚Pinewood Studios被租滿,因此在Hertfordshire開了新棚Leavesden Studios,此處是前勞斯萊斯飛機引擎工廠。

儘管澳大利亞與東歐的攝影棚逐漸受歡迎,英國的攝影棚業務還不差。2010年11月,Warner Bros. 正式置下Leavesden Film Studios,並宣稱將投產1億英鎊建設。


  • 藝術電影


Channel 4也幫助了製作與宣傳、發行。不過1990s初期在佣金政策上的改動使得製作者們轉向了合拍式投資。




  • Aldgate, Anthony and Richards Jeffrey. 2002. Best of British: Cinema and Society from 1930 to the Present. London: I.B. Tauris
  • Babington, Bruce; Ed. 2001.British Stars and Stardom. Manchester: Manchester University Press
  • Chibnall, Steve and Murphy, Robert; Eds. 1999. British Crime Cinema. London: Routledge
  • Cook, Pam. 1996. Fashioning the Nation: Costume and Identity in British Cinema. London BFI
  • Curran, James and Porter, Vincent; Eds. 1983. British Cinema History. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson
  • Durgnat, Raymond. 1970. A Mirror for England: British Movies from Austerity to Affluence. London: Faber. ISBN 0-571-09503-8
  • Harper, Sue. 2000. Women in British Cinema: Mad Bad and Dangerous to Know. London: Continuum
  • Higson, Andrew. 1995. Waving the Flag: Constructing a National Cinema in Britain. Oxford: Oxford University Press
  • Higson, Andrew. 2003. English Heritage, English Cinema. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hill, John. 1986. Sex, Class and Realism. London: BFI
  • Landy, Marcia. 1991. British Genres: Cinema and Society, 1930-1960. Princeton University Press
  • Lay, Samantha. 2002. British Social Realism. London: Wallflower
  • Mc Farlane, Brian. The Encyclopedia of British Film. London: Methuen. ISBN 0-413-77301-9
  • Monk, Claire and Sargeant, Amy. 2002. British Historical Cinema. London Routledge
  • Murphy, Robert; Ed. 2001. British Cinema Book 2nd Edition. London: BFI
  • Perry, George. 1988. The Great British Picture Show. Little Brown, 1988.
  • Street, Sarah. 1997. British National Cinema. London: Routledge.
  • Tasker, Yvonne; Ed. 2002. Fifty Contemporary Filmmakers: Routledge: London: ISBN 0-415-18974-8

