

坐标49°04′46″N 4°45′56″E / 49.07944°N 4.76556°E / 49.07944; 4.76556

结果 法国决定性胜利
法国 法国 普鲁士王国 普鲁士王国
法国 查理斯·杜莫雷兹
法国 法兰西欧斯·凯勒曼
普鲁士王国 卡尔·斐迪南
弗雷德里希 威廉
路易五世·约瑟夫·德·波旁 (孔代亲王)
47,000人 35,000人
300人 184人







入侵的联军轻松地于8月23日攻占隆维,并缓慢行军至比隆维防御更薄弱的凡尔登。法军指挥官博里帕尔上校在绝望中开枪自杀,而该地也于9月2日投降。不伦瑞克公爵之后便开始向巴黎进军,并同时朝阿贡隘道方向逼近。但是,持续利用小型军事行动来训练原始部队的杜莫雷兹But Dumouriez, who had been training his raw troops at Valenciennes in constant small engagements, with the purpose of invading the Austrian Netherlands, now threw himself into the Argonne by a rapid and daring flank march, almost under the eyes of the Prussian advanced guard, and barred the Paris road, summoning Kellermann to his assistance from Metz. Kellermann moved slowly, and before he arrived the northern part of the line of defence had been forced. Dumouriez, undaunted, changed front so as to face north, with his right wing on the Argonne and his left stretching towards Châlons, and in this position Kellermann joined him at Sainte-Menehould on 19 September.



Brunswick meanwhile had passed the northern defiles and had then swung round to cut off Dumouriez from Châlons. At the moment when the Prussian manoeuvre was nearly completed, Kellermann, commanding in Dumouriez’s momentary absence, advanced his left wing and took up a position between Sainte-Menehould and the mill of Valmy.

The result was the Cannonade of Valmy. Kellermann's 47,000 infantry, nearly all regulars, stood steady. The French artillery justified its reputation as the best in Europe, and eventually, with no more than a half-hearted infantry attack, Brunswick's 35,000 strong broke off the action and retired. The French suffered 300 casualties and their opponents 184[来源请求].



The French army benefited from its new artillery (using the Gribeauval system), allowing it to pound attacking columns with unprecedented accuracy.

The Allied side had expected the French to lose as their morale should have been broken by such a demonstration of power. Kellerman understood the danger and spent most of the day strengthening his troops' morale by parading on his horse on the front line and preparing his army for a massed bayonet attack of battalions in column, a highly surprising move in front of an advancing and more powerful army.

The pivotal moment was reached when Kellerman raised his famous cry "Vive la Nation", repeated again and again by all the army, hats on bayonets. It had the effect of damaging the morale of the Prussian army and its commanders, and may explain the stoppage of a first and then a second infantry attack.

The German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, who was present at the battle, understood the significance of the battle and told some of his Prussian comrades: "From this place, and from this day forth begins a new era in the history of the world, and you can all say that you were present at its birth."[1]




This engagement was the turning point of the campaign. Ten days later, without firing another shot, the invading army began its retreat. Dumouriez's pursuit was not seriously pressed; he occupied himself chiefly with a series of subtle and curious negotiations which, with the general advance of the French troops, brought about the complete withdrawal of the allied invaders from the soil of France.

The day after this first victory of the French revolutionary troops, on 21 September, in Paris, the French monarchy was abolished and the First French Republic proclaimed. The battle of Valmy was really the first victory of an army inspired by citizenship and nationalism, and marked the death knell of the era of absolute monarchy.



The OAS agent depicted in Frederick Forsyth's "The Day of the Jackal" uses "Valmy" as his nom de guerre.






  • 亚瑟·楚奎特, Les Guerres de la Révolution : 2. Valmy, 1887
  • Campagne du Duc de Brunswick contre les Français en 1792, publiée en allemand par un officier prussien témoin oculaire et traduite en français sur la quatrième édition à Paris chez A.Cl.FORGET rue du Four-Honoré No 487 An III de la République.



49°04′46″N 4°45′56″E / 49.07944°N 4.76556°E / 49.07944; 4.76556

{{DEFAULTSORT:Valmy, Battle Of}} [[Category:法國大革命戰爭]] [[Category:普魯士戰役]] [[Category:馬恩省]] [[Category:1792年]] [[Category:第一次反法同盟]] [[ar:معركة فالمي]] [[bg:Битка при Валми]] [[ca:Batalla de Valmy]] [[de:Kanonade von Valmy]] [[en:Battle of Valmy]] [[es:Batalla de Valmy]] [[fr:Bataille de Valmy]] [[ko:발미 전투]] [[it:Battaglia di Valmy]] [[he:קרב ואלמי]] [[lb:Schluecht vu Valmy]] [[lt:Valmy mūšis]] [[hu:Valmy-i csata]] [[nl:Slag bij Valmy]] [[ja:ヴァルミーの戦い]] [[no:Slaget ved Valmy]] [[pl:Bitwa pod Valmy]] [[pt:Batalha de Valmy]] [[ru:Сражение при Вальми]] [[fi:Valmyn taistelu]] [[sv:Slaget vid Valmy]]