
User:Anikayang/Lin Shu-Chuan(Taiwanese Writer)


Lin Shu-Chuan, whose pen name is Karasumi(Mandarin: 唐墨), is a monk of the Kōyasan Shingon-shū. [1]He serves as an adjunct lecturer in the Department of Chinese at Shih Hsin University[2], is a stand-up comedian[3], and a member of the Mystery Writers of Taiwan[4]. Karasumi has been fascinated with Glove Puppetry since he was four years old, began learning Kunqu opera in college, and has over 20 years of experience singing Japanese Enka. [5]Recently, he has explored stand-up comedy and has been studying traditional performing arts like Nanguan, Cheguzhen, and Rakugo. His creative work often draws on elements of history, folklore, music, cuisine, tourism, and traditional opera.[6]

Karasumi wrote the scripts for the TV Taiwanese Operas "Gyōki Bodhisattva" and "Ennin Master" for Da Ai Television's "Stories of Eminent Monks," performed by the Tang Mei Yun Taiwanese Opera Company. He is a five-time champion of Gold Sun TV 's "Japanese Singing King" competition and has also participated in "Talk Talk Show" on PTS Taigi.

Lin Shu-Chuan(Karasumi)
出生December 5, 1986 (Age 38)
職業Author, Stand-up Comedian, Adjunct University Lecturer
語言Mandarin, Taiwanese, Japanese
教育程度Master's Degree in the Department of Language and Creative Writing, National Taipei University of Education
創作時期2012 to present
體裁Novels, Proses
獎項Shortlisted for the Taipei Literature Award in 2022.

Received Honorable Mention in the 17th Lin Rong-San Literature Awards in 2021.

Shortlisted in the Taiwanese Prose category of the Taiwan Literature Awards in 2021.

Won Second Prize in the Historical Novel category at the 6th Global Chinese Hsing Yun Literary Awards in 2016

List of Works



Ÿ   A Sketch in Scarlet (Traditional Chinese: 腥紅速寫) , Links Publishing Ltd., 2023[7]

Ÿ   Qing Dynasty Abbot's Era Mystery: Pandanus Injustices and Peach Blossom Dooms (Traditional Chinese: 清藏住持時代推理.林投冤桃花劫) , Let There Be Light International Entertainment Ltd., 2019[8]

Ÿ   Chronicles of the Alley (Traditional Chinese: 深巷春秋), Metropolitan Culture/Banner Publishing, 2014[9]

Short Stories

Ÿ   Don't Trust Paul's Words (Traditional Chinese:不要相信保羅的話) featured in FoodCat: Your Order is on the Way (20th Mystery Writers of Taiwan Anthology of Award-Winning Works) (Traditional Chinese: 您的餐點已在路上(第二十屆台灣推理作家協會徵文獎作品集)), Omnibook Publishing co., Ltd., 2022[10]

Ÿ   Qing Dynasty Abbot's Era Mystery: When the Monk bought a Hairpin (Traditional Chinese: 清藏住持時代推理.當和尚買了髮簪), Let There Be Light International Entertainment Ltd., 2017[11]

Ÿ   Confession at 40% (Traditional Chinese: 濃度40%的自白:酒保神探1), Chiu Ko Publishing co., Ltd., 2017[12]


Ÿ   Taipei Male Gods List (Traditional Chinese: 臺北男神榜), Chiu Ko Publishing co., Ltd., 2024[13][14]

Ÿ   Unconstitutional Day (Traditional Chinese: 違憲紀念日), Kiwi Cultural and Creative Co., Ltd.), 2018[15]

Ÿ   Ticket Stub Tales – Literature in Northern Taiwan 120 (Traditional Chinese: 票根譚-北臺灣文學120), Cultural Affairs Bureau of New Taipei City, 2012[16]

Oral Biography

Ÿ   Firm and Calm: Huang Yongcun's Journey from Business to Buddhism (Traditional Chinese: 堅定.淡定:黃永存從商道走向菩提道), Rhythms Monthly, 2021[17]



Ÿ   A Sketch in Scarlet (Traditional Chinese: 腥紅速寫) won the "Best Story Award" and the "EBC Original Screenplay Award" at the 2023 Taiwan Creative Content Fest.[18]

Ÿ   The Fraud in the Name of God (Traditional Chinese: 代天行騙) received an Honorable Mention at the 17th Lin Rong-San Literature Awards in 2021. [19]

Ÿ   The Burden of the Tathagata (Traditional Chinese: 如來擔) won the Second Prize in the Historical Novel category at the 6th Global Chinese Hsing Yun Literary Awards in 2016.[20]

Ÿ   The Tide of Nations (Traditional Chinese: 萬國來潮) received an Honorable Mention in the Historical Novel category at the 4th Global Chinese Hsing Yun Literary Awards in 2014.[21]

Ÿ   The Dream Chronicles of Fengyi (Traditional Chinese: 鳳邑夢華錄) won First Prize in the Prose category at the 2012 Kaohsiung Dagou Fengyi Literary Award.[22]

Ÿ   The Mouth of the Gu Path (Traditional Chinese: 蠱道之口) won Third Prize in the Novel category at the 2010 Lanyang Literary Award.[23]


  1. ^ 中央通訊社. 出家人唐墨寫「臺北男神榜」寫給城市及信仰的情書 | 文化. 中央社 CNA. 2024-06-22 [2024-09-20] (中文(臺灣)). 
  2. ^ 兼任教師 – 世新大學中國文學系. [2024-09-20] (中文(臺灣)). 
  3. ^ 零捌卡好笑, 【單口喜劇】帶你看看極樂世界|蕭敬騰帶你天上飛|唐墨, 2021-12-15 [2024-09-20] 
  4. ^ 唐墨. 台灣推理作家協會. [2024-09-20] (中文(臺灣)). 
  5. ^ 人物》在佛祖與媽祖之間:出家和尚唐墨走跳宮廟寫《臺北男神榜》. Openbook閱讀誌. 2024-05-27 [2024-09-20] (中文(繁體)). 
  6. ^ 聯合新聞網. 最神斜槓作家:出家和尚唐墨穿梭宮廟寫《臺北男神榜》. 琅琅悅讀. [2024-09-20] (中文(臺灣)). 
  7. ^ 腥紅速寫. 疑案辦販賣所. [2024-09-20] (中文(臺灣)). 
  8. ^ 清藏住持時代推理:林投冤.桃花劫. 博客來. [2024-09-20]. 
  9. ^ 深巷春秋. 博客來. [2024-09-20]. 
  10. ^ Readmoo讀墨電子書. FoodCat:您的餐點已在路上(第二十屆台灣推理作家協會徵文獎作品集) - 青奈 | Readmoo 讀墨電子書. Readmoo讀墨電子書. [2024-09-20] (中文(臺灣)). 
  11. ^ 清藏住持時代推理:當和尚買了髮簪. 博客來. [2024-09-20]. 
  12. ^ 唐墨《濃度40%的自白:酒保神探1》. 台灣推理作家協會. [2024-09-20] (中文(臺灣)). 
  13. ^ 臺北男神榜. 博客來. [2024-09-20]. 
  14. ^ 第24屆臺北文學獎年金類 羅漪文獲獎. Yahoo News. 2023-12-21 [2024-09-20] (中文(臺灣)). 
  15. ^ 違憲紀念日. 博客來. [2024-09-20]. 
  16. ^ 票根譚-北臺灣文學120. 博客來. [2024-09-20]. 
  17. ^ 堅定.淡定:黃永存從商道走向菩提道. 博客來. [2024-09-20]. 
  18. ^ TCCF | YOUR BEST PARTNER IN ASIA. www.tccf.tw. [2024-09-20]. 
  19. ^ 【自由副刊.第十七屆林榮三文學獎.短篇小說獎佳作】唐墨/代天行騙. 自由時報. 
  20. ^ 三立新聞網. 文學星雲獎 小說家李永平獲貢獻獎 | 生活 | 三立新聞網 SETN.COM. www.setn.com. 2016-11-07 [2024-09-20] (中文(臺灣)). 
  21. ^ 星雲真善美傳播獎暨文學獎頒獎典禮. 
  22. ^ 打狗鳳邑文學獎揭曉 陳沛宜獲小說首獎 | 生活. Newtalk新聞. 2012-12-20 [2024-09-20] (中文(臺灣)). 
  23. ^ 蠱道之口(選自《第五屆蘭陽文學獎得獎作品集》). 國家文化記憶庫. 

