




福音的喜樂為天主教教宗方濟各於2013年11月26日所發布的宗座勸諭,其名稱〈Evangelii gaudium〉是依照教廷文件的命名慣例取用其拉丁原文的首二個單詞來為該文件命名,[1]。此文獻為教宗方濟各任內所公布的第二篇宗座勸諭,不過其首篇勸諭〈信德之光〉其實是教宗本篤十六世宣告退位前就著手寫作的,[2]〈福音的喜樂〉才是方濟各所撰寫的第一篇勸諭。[1]










國家 開始正式邦交年 駐記
 丹麦 1982年
  • 丹麥聖座的代表是透過其駐瑞士伯爾尼的使館。
  • 梵蒂岡城對丹麥是特過其在瑞典斯德哥爾摩的大使館。[4]
 爱沙尼亚 1991年 愛沙尼亞外交.


 法國 十六世紀 See France – Holy See relations.

Holy See–France relations are very ancient and have existed since the fifth century AD, and have been durable to the extent that France is sometimes called the eldest daughter of the Church. Areas of cooperation between Paris and the Holy See have traditionally included education, health care, the struggle against poverty and international diplomacy. Before the establishment of the welfare state, Church involvement was evident in many sectors of French society. Today, Paris's international peace initiatives are often in line with those of the Holy See, who favors dialogue on a global level.

 希腊 1980 See Greece – Holy See relations.

The Holy See established its Apostolic Nunciature to Greece in Athens in 1980. The Greek ambassador to the Holy See at first resided in Paris, where he was concurrently accredited to France; in 1988 a separate Greek embassy to the Holy See, situated in Rome, was established.

In May 2001, Pope John Paul II made a visit of pilgrimage to Greece.[5]

 冰島 1977

Diplomatic relations were established in 1977, but the Pope Paul VI in his greeting to the first Ambassador from Iceland referred to these relations as "the millenary ties between your people (i.e. of Iceland) and the Catholic Church".[6]

 愛爾蘭 See Holy See – Ireland relations.

The majority of Irish people are Roman Catholic. The Holy See has an embassy in Dublin. Ireland has, in Rome, an embassy to the Holy See.

 義大利 1929 See Holy See – Italy relations.

Because of the small size of the Vatican City State, embassies accredited to the Holy See are based on Italian territory. Treaties signed between Italy and the Vatican City State permit such embassages. Like the Embassy of Italy, the Embassy of Andorra to the Holy See is also based on its home territory.

 立陶宛 1927
 馬爾他 1965
 波蘭 1555 See Holy See - Poland diplomatic relations.
 羅馬尼亞 1920 See Holy See – Romania relations.
  • The Holy See has an embassy in Bucharest.
  • Romania has an embassy to the Holy See.
 俄羅斯 2009 See Holy See – Russia relations.

Russia has an embassy in Rome accredited to the Holy See. Holy See–Russia relations are largely linked to ecumenical relations with the Russian Orthodox Church.

 塞爾維亞 1919-03 See Holy See – Serbia relations.
 西班牙 1530 See Holy See – Spain relations.
 土耳其 1868 See Holy See – Turkey relations.
 烏克蘭 1992
 英国 1914 See Holy See – United Kingdom relations.

Full relations were recognised in 1982 when Pope John Paul II visited the U.K. Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom became the first ever British monarch to visit the Vatican in 1980.[14]


日語原文椋 本夏夜
假名くらもと かや


類型 愛情學園
作品原名 嘘つきみーくんと壊れたまーちゃん
正式譯名 說謊的男孩與壞掉的女孩
作者 入間人間
插圖 榎波克己
出版社 日本 角川電擊文庫
臺灣地區 尖端出版社
冊數 日本7
  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 [http://www.catholic.org.tw/theology/public/liyi/archive/church_documents/Evangelii.htm 《福音的喜樂》 是教宗方濟各治理教會的願景宣言],2013-11-27,輔神聖博敏禮儀研究中心
  2. ^ 教宗方濟各公佈首道通諭«信德之光»鹽與光
  3. ^ 教宗籲改革教會 重批資本主義,2013-11-26,大紀元轉載中央社
  4. ^ Vatican Embassy in Denmark
  5. ^ Almanac. United Press International. [7 May 2009]. In 2001, Pope John Paul II flew to Greece to begin a journey retracing the steps of the Apostle Paul through historic lands. ... 
  6. ^ Pope's greetings to the Ambassador of Iceland
  7. ^ Catholic-Hierarchy.org英语Catholic-Hierarchy.org上的Lithuania (nunciature).
  8. ^ Catholic-Hierarchy.org英语Catholic-Hierarchy.org上的Malta (nunciature).
  9. ^ Embassy pages
  10. ^ Ambasciata della Repubblica di Polonia presso la Santa Sede (with map)
  11. ^ Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: direction of the Holy See’s embassy in Belgrade
  12. ^ Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: direction of the Serbian embassy to the Holy See
  13. ^ Catholic-Hierarchy.org英语Catholic-Hierarchy.org上的Ukraine (nunciature).
  14. ^ Pope Welcomes Queen to the Vatican. BBC. 17 October 1980 [17 September 2008]. The Queen has made history after becoming the first British monarch to make a state visit to the Vatican. Pope welcomed Her Majesty and the Duke of Edinburgh, for what was described as a "warm and relaxed" encounter.