



按地域来源划分,雪卡毒素分为太平洋雪卡毒素(Pacific ciguatoxins,P-CTXs)、印度洋雪卡毒素(Indian ciguatoxins,I-CTXs)和加勒比海雪卡毒素(Caribbean ciguatoxins, C-CTXs)三类[1]

热带和亚热带地区每年有超过 20,000人因摄入雪卡毒素而中毒[2],1990年代美国夏威夷罗德岛马达加斯加香港以及广泛的南太平洋地区就有多例中毒案例报道[3]。然而随着海水变暖以及赤潮趋于频繁,由雪卡毒素引起的中毒事件在美洲、亚洲以及欧洲地区逐渐成为一个不可忽视的问题[4]



名称(代号) 结构 CAS编号及Wikidata编号 PubChem 分子式 注释
Ciguatoxin CTX1B 11050-21-8 Q4387413 CID 5311333 from PubChem C60H86O19
  • CTX2
  • 52-epi-CTX3
Strukturformel des CTX2 142185-85-1 Q27272490 CID 6441260 from PubChem C60H86O18 Ciguatoxin-3的异构体,C-52绝对构型不一样
  • CTX3
Strukturformel des CTX3 139341-09-6 Q27252088 CID 6444399 from PubChem C60H86O18 Ciguatoxin-2的异构体,C-52绝对构型不一样
  • CTX3C
Strukturformel des CTX3C 148471-85-6 Q27130969 CID 6442245 from PubChem C57H82O16 极性较小,毒性较低
  • 51-羟基-CTX3C
Strukturformel des 51-Hydroxy-CTX3C C57H82O17
Strukturformel des CTX4A C60H84O16[6] CTX4B的异构体
  • CTX4B
  • 鹦嘴鱼毒素
  • 岗比毒素4b
  • 52-epi-CTX4A
Strukturformel des CTX4B 123676-76-6 Q27136774
66231-73-0 Q27286025
CID 6450530 from PubChem C60H84O16 CTX4A的异构体[7]
  • CTX4C
136252-00-1 Q0


  1. ^ 麦艳玲、林珊珊、肖陈贵、等. 高效液相色谱-串联质谱法快速测定海鳗鱼肉中3种太平洋雪卡毒素. 食品安全质量检测学报. 2014, (11): 3520–3528. 
  2. ^ 大石 徹. 超微量海産神経毒シガトキシンCTX3Cの全合成. 有機合成化学協会誌. 2003, 6 (16): 562–571. doi:10.5059/yukigoseikyokaishi.61.562. 
  3. ^ J Pearn. Neurology of ciguatera. Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry. 2001, 70 (1): 4–8. PMID 11118239. doi:10.1136/jnnp.70.1.4. 
  4. ^ Marco C. Inserra, Mathilde R. Israel, Ashlee Caldwell; et al. Multiple sodium channel isoforms mediate the pathological effects of Pacific ciguatoxin-1. Scientific Reports. 2017, (42810). doi:10.1038/srep42810. However, as the world’s oceans warm and algal blooms become more frequent, ciguatera is now emerging as a significant issue in Asia, America and parts of Europe 
  5. ^ Swift A, Swift T. Ciguatera. J. Toxicol. Clin. Toxicol. 1993, 31 (1): 1–29. PMID 8433404. doi:10.3109/15563659309000371. 
  6. ^ Hiroki Oguri: Bioorganic Studies Utilizing Rationally Designed Synthetic Molecules: Absolute Configuration of Ciguatoxin and Development of Immunoassay Systems. In: Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan. 80, 2007, S. 1870, doi:10.1246/bcsj.80.1870.
  7. ^ Luis M. Botana; Seafood and Freshwater Toxins: Pharmacology, Physiology, and Detection; ISBN 978-0-8247-8956-5.